Tuesday 21 January 2014

Introduction: why blog?

Ever since I bought my first guitar as a 14 year old 'metal head', I've dreamt of being in a great band, recording classic albums and touring -  just like my heroes.  The journey really began when my cousin got me started with the rock and metal bands he was in to, then the guitar purchase and the birth of my own musical ambitions happened very soon after.  And so, equipped with my slightly rubbish, red Strat copy, and a huge passion for this exciting music, I began writing songs and paving the way for my own route to musical success.

Ok, I'm 36 now, and it hasn't quite happened.  I've written loads of songs, been in a number of bands, played some great gigs, recorded some cool demo's, met some excellent people, have 100's of great CD's… but I haven't quite got there. Well, not yet anyway!

So, I thought I'd start up a blog, to share some of the stories and experiences I've picked up along the way, as well as to post thoughts, reviews, and links to some cool music.

So here we go...

Neil Fraser